Thursday, August 2, 2007

Freshman choruses engaging in massive harmonic build-up

Clash of Titans imminent; collateral damage feared

BHS weapons inspectors report “significant concerns” over recent builds in the harmonic stockpiles of the Red, Green and Blue Choruses.

“Satellite and humintel reports indicate an unprecedented level of preparation” reported a senior analyst [Jim] speaking off record [DeBusman]. “Our current projections indicate that any of these groups may be capable of delivering a 14 megatone chord within the next 12 hours.

“Of course, we’re fearful they might attempt comedy,” said the fuzzy spokesman, his face grave with concern. “In which case, many non-combatants might be subjected to searing pains in the ears and a rising sensation in the gut.

“This indicates just how desperate these factions have become,” he concluded sadly, taking a thoughtful tug at his beard.

The BHS Department of Harmonic Security has raised the threat alert level to amber.

Ground surveillance photo released today shows "frightening" levels of troop preparation.

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